Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hippy Liberal D-bags

I have seen entirely too many people in my life just like these protesters at the DNC Convention in Denver. They come from privileged households and like to play protester and revolutionary in order to live out dreams of the 1960's and 70's. While I do not claim to be an expert in Che Guevara, I do not believe his thoughts and convictions blend necessarilly all that well with Starbucks Cappuccino and a MacBook Air. Money quote from the article:
Catching yourself in the act of small-time disobedience, only to scurry back to the bosom of the same middle class that made this miserable bout of free time possible, is a limp homage indeed to the era of blowing up the public pissers in government buildings. Yet the superficiality is strangely appropriate.

People may perceive this as being hypocriticle on my part, but I do not pretend to be more than I am. I understand I am a blessed white boy from Iowa and not on the frontlines helping change America and the world. That being said, it won't stop me from reading Che's book. I just won't dawn birkenstocks and chant "Drop pants, not bombs."

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The DNC Drinking Game

The reason why I love The New Republic.

Number 7: Take a drink if either Iraq or the environment are described as a "shitstorm."

Thursday, August 21, 2008

How Many Homes Do You Own?

Bloody brilliant ad from the Obama Campaign.

Also note that I have just figured out how to embed videos on my posts!

He's Gone Too Far Contd

Goldfarb got uber pwned.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Barack and Mary Jane

"I inhaled frequently. That was the point." Thank God for Youtube.

Monday, August 18, 2008

He's Gone Too Far!

John McCain's Deputy Communications Director disses Dungeons and Dragons players in a blog post.

It may be typical of the pro-Obama Dungeons & Dragons crowd to disparage a fellow countryman's memory of war from the comfort of mom's basement, but most Americans have the humility and gratitude to respect and learn from the memories of men who suffered on behalf of others.
Not all players play in their mom's basement... only most!!! What's next!? WoW!?!?

Seriously though, here's a link to Andrew Sullivan's take on the cross in the dirt story.

Confrontational Words from Russia

They will crush us like a clam on their tummy! Literally, they almost said that. Don't worry though, they "have always been a peace-loving state."

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

That's What She Said

Guantanamo Charges were "spray and pray." So not only do we torture our enemies, we also do not afford them the legal rights they deserve as human beings. Also, with the "spray and pray" method, there is a chance that some of these individuals could go free and continue to attack America. That is assuming of course that they are guilty, and it has been shown in the past that some are innocent or guilty of minor crimes.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Back Door Legislation

The Bush Administration has just announced a plan to drastically change the Endangered Species Act. The main change would be that federal agencies would not be required to carry out an independent scientific review of a project they are proposing. While I am all about overhauling an old piece of legislation (the Act has not been significantly changed since 1986), I am extremely wary of placing the welfare of our endangered species in the hands of economists and developers.

The Response of the administration to these concerns is pitiful:

But Dale Hall, who directs the Fish and Wildlife Service, said the move would not apply to major federal projects and would give his agency more time to focus on the most critically endangered species rather than conducting reviews of projects that pose little threat.

"We have to have the ability to put our efforts where they're needed," Hall said, adding that individual agencies will have to take responsibility if their projects do harm a protected species. "This really says to the agencies, 'This law belongs to all of us. You're responsible to defend it.' "

Even minor federal projects affect our environment and threaten our wildlife. Every project needs to be carefully thought out from multiple angles with each party's wellbeing being considered. I understand the need to focus resources directly where they are needed, but every species should be considered and not just the most critically endangered.

The second quoted paragraph tends to insinuate that the agencies will be forced to defend their actions after a problem arises. Shouldn't the goal be to prevent problems from arising in the first place? Instilling the fear of having egg on bureaucrats' faces should not be the method our government takes to preserve our wildlife for future generations.

I don't know about you, but I hope to take my children and grandchildren hiking in Colorado. Hopefully we'll be able to see more than urban development and smokestacks when we go.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Friday, August 8, 2008

I Met The Walrus

In 1969 a 14 year old Beatles fan interviewed John Lennon about his views regarding peace and revolution. Here's the audio (along with some amazing animations)!


Sorry for the hiatus. I just got a little too busy with work, trips, and studying for the G.R.E. For awhile there I was just posting interesting things on Facebook, but that just didn't do it for me the way my own blog does. Also, I think people get a little annoyed when you post something every single day on Fb! Thanks for reading in the past and I hope you continue to read in the future.