Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hippy Liberal D-bags

I have seen entirely too many people in my life just like these protesters at the DNC Convention in Denver. They come from privileged households and like to play protester and revolutionary in order to live out dreams of the 1960's and 70's. While I do not claim to be an expert in Che Guevara, I do not believe his thoughts and convictions blend necessarilly all that well with Starbucks Cappuccino and a MacBook Air. Money quote from the article:
Catching yourself in the act of small-time disobedience, only to scurry back to the bosom of the same middle class that made this miserable bout of free time possible, is a limp homage indeed to the era of blowing up the public pissers in government buildings. Yet the superficiality is strangely appropriate.

People may perceive this as being hypocriticle on my part, but I do not pretend to be more than I am. I understand I am a blessed white boy from Iowa and not on the frontlines helping change America and the world. That being said, it won't stop me from reading Che's book. I just won't dawn birkenstocks and chant "Drop pants, not bombs."

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