Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Prime Minister of Ireland Steps Down

Taoiseach (or Prime Minister in English) Bertie Ahern announced today that he will be stepping down from his positions as Taoiseach and as leader of the Fianna Fail political party, currently the ruling party in the Irish Parliament or Dail. He has recently been embroiled in a controversy involving payments made to him and a former partner.

I've tried to keep on top of the controversy and investigations into the payments by reading some Irish newspapers on the internet, but I can't seem to make heads or tails of it and it seems as if that is the consensus. An Irish friend was in town a few weeks ago and when we talked about it he mentioned that the only people in Ireland who really knew exactly what was going on were the politicians themselves.

Irish politics fascinates me because it is so different than the system here in the states. Multiple parties, campaigns that can be called on a whim, campaigns that last only a few weeks or months, and multiple in depth scandals all give their process an extra bit of excitement.

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