Tuesday, April 15, 2008

This Guy is Talented

Normally I hate American Idol purely because it represents some things that I do not like about our country, namely the fact that it seems more people vote for American Idol than in actual political elections. I have to admit though, this Jason Catro guy is pretty talented and this song symbolically represent some aspects of America that are absolutely wonderful. Quoting Andrew Sullivan:
But here is another reason I love America: it's a white dude in dreads playing a ukelele, a straight guy singing a song that could have been a national anthem for gay men for decades, in a version written by a Hawaiian in honor of a friend who died an early death because of obesity.

And it's also in a strange way completely sublime in its own right and on its own terms.

Enjoy and I hope you stop to see the trees of green and red roses in your life today.

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