Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Another No-Bid Contract

John Ashcroft, the former Attorney General, recently received a no-bid contract to monitor a health insurance company as it follows through with a court decision against it on behalf of the federal government. The problem here is that his former subordinates hired him, yet he maintains that there is no conflict of interest. How in there world could there NOT be a conflict of interest!?!? I understand that he is extremely qualified for this job, but I don't think it's very kosher for him to still be intimately involved with the Department of Justice after serving as the head of it. No doubt he still has some sway with those people. It's also immaterial whether tax dollars are being spent here, the decision of this magnitude should be impartial and at least have a bidding process.

P.S. It hurts me deeply to link to Fox News, but they have the most coverage on this so far.

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